Friday, August 29


its the melody that
calms my soul
Its the truth that
speaks wisdom into

my mind and life
Every word sung
in these songs
have a deeper meaning

And i will continue to
Inject this morphine
that makes everything
seem so much better

The notes of a chordstruck
in the right time and place
The music that is so
pure and honest

the artists and i
have somethings in common
We draw the world and ourselves
In the form of music and words

That actually mean something to
the rest of the world
cause we all felt it
In every way

The intoxication of falling in love
the shattering of a broken heart
the pain of the thrid world
The truth of our society

Of everything that could happen
the worse has already become
So i make my life
out of what i become

and who i want to be
And music is just an
ingredient to the everturning
and everlasting society

Cause its music that calms the soul
And drowns out the real world
and everything we ever feared
and anything we ever knew


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