A-She went pick up the Bros from school
J-Uh Huh- Yeah im just not acustomed to asking PU's things
A-Oh lol well i have toou no there house there rules
J-Yeah.Meh.Haha makes me think of my last years in my house. Age16 she taught me to think for myself 17 she let me do what i want as long as she had a general idea. I didn't have to askjust give full details. Nearing the age of 18she told meonce i get there i am on my own basically
A-Wow that wudd never happen to me
J-Thats where i get my street smarts from i guess. Hahai dunno i respect the way i was brought up
A-I do too but this is dumb im 18 i just want my mom to trust me morenot that i ever gave her a chance to tho
J-Yeah.Differnt households.Differnt ways of doing things
A-True Very True
J-My moms very libral. Im just straight edge. Livin on the edge.My mom didn't trust me much eithe. I just stick to my wordand made my own
A-MAde your own what
J-Own viewsabout societyand such. Thats just how i defined myself/ You learn. Its a process. U are ur own person. Iur life, ur choices
A-i no im my own personand i haveviews and ideasbut ive never really left home for more than a day or two
J-Haha yeah well it takes time. I was in a fight or flight state. And i didn't want to fight n e morei was confident i had enough confidence to...
J-stand upand make my own way. Theres still tons to learn and i refuse to lose my youth. Im open an dhonest and am eager to learn
A-Yeah i no what you mean but you have nothing holding you back
J-Ya and 4 meits the best way. My Difinty. I wouldnt change or go backfor n e thing. Ive always been independent. Always Sreaching
A [breaks]
J-Its the community you live/work in.Teaches about the society and thats where i get my views. Difinty uniquness, indepndance
J-Everyone has a story, a reason in my life, so i can grow, change. I refuse to be a cloneto the world. Theseare here...
J-to show me. A way to find myself. And thay=ts exactlywhat i have done. Thru thought processes, mistakes and lesons and the way i live my life
A-did you ever live in Spruce, when u moved back did your views change?
J-No. But thats where i rooted myself. So many great influemces from there. I have always been developing my views. There just getting stronger...
A-Interessting Point of View
A-wow i wish i had ur views on life and be able to be as free as u
J-Haha its great but im nowhere near done htins conversation. My Supes getting mad and its the last hour. I'll text you when i m off <3
A-I”ll Be waiting ]love u
J-Love you 2 and think of sum questions of you want...
[time passes]
A-You off work yet?
J-I am a very energetic person.. i pick up energy form ppl like a magnet. Negitive nergy i pick up more juist cuz i was around that the most...
A-Wud you say that ur positive or negitive
J-If someone or something angers me, i redirect that to myself first then to an inaminate object. Bad habit i know but again difinty. I am
Jmore Able to deal with the issue n a more calm matter. I also run it out. A mental thing yet good for me In stressful uncomfortable sistuations i shut right down and out. Becopme very quiet, very isolate. My own world. My stress remedy
J-I have grown so much in the last 4 years that i am much more positive. Always upbeat. Theparty
A-Lots of people do that but wuddnt u rather talk it out or yell at someone
J-I dont yell. That creates Negitive Energy. I dont do that. The world is what you make it. So i write. Better fo rmy own good
J- i believe in appearance vs reality not just as a literary term. Uearn bout ppl and the sopciety u live in and go back and realte
J- I dont look at the surface and would hope others wouldnt either. Id rather dig deeper and look beyond . A top goal in my life is to know that wheni go that i have successfully changed someone life in a huge way. Made them more like me. Aware that they can go forth and carry on. In a btter mind set.
J- My thoughts are the window to my world. If u know them then maybe u can relate, understand. Ive been told i am a very smart person. Great
J-Mind. I dont see that in myself often but i am a selfless person. Difinity. But i see myself as an open bnook.Read me, ask me , understand me
J-Break for you to absorb. Ask me n en thing.
A-i wanna no how you think feel and absorb i wanna know all there is to on about you if ull tell me and your right you are a very smart person for 18
J- Thanks Baby. I will tell u n e thing there is. I will stay up all night nand be with you forever cause i can and i Love you
A-U seem like nothing comes as a shock or surprises u y is that?
J-In my mind i have a theroy that everything that cudd be the Worst Possible Scenerio has happened already.And whatewver happens i make the bast of
A-For being so young how can you understand and be able to interpet any situationthat u find ur self in
J-It takes a lot of thinking and experience and understand. Its growth. And the situation is what you make it.
A-Im gonna steal your theroy okay
J-What theroy? I have given you so much. Im confused Lol?
A-That there are worse situations out there and they have already happened
J-Uh. Oh that was for me. If you knew how i grew up and the last 17 years. Read the letter i worte.
A-Yeah ur right sorry
J-No its ok. U can use it if u know it was deathly true. For u that may take several more years. I just grew up way to fast i have a maturity level of
J- an common 3-045 year old. Itsweird and sumtimes i hate it but then i have the rest of my life to live the good life
A-Yeah u do how dose someone so young have so much wisdom
J-Its that i am very observant and i take it all in. In ne situation. I have a strange ability to remember certianthings in the exactorder it
J-happened. But not everyhting. It has to signifigant. That i can relate to a previous thought orevent. Or someone close to me...
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