Friday, August 29

A couple Poems

just a couple poems i worte bac in the spring as i knew i was going to be going through a turmoil of somesort just wast sure about how long or how much it would affect me. It was my slight sense of ESP that was acting up so i had an urge to write some stuff....
the second poem is alot like that


I am
there are some people in this world that, only look at who you are on the outside.
By being myself and who i am in my full potential.
Everytime you lok at me and you think the negitive image, you are wrong.
So what about the mohawk. and black that fades my eyes
So what if i am a living contradiction
I am a temptaion and a challenge
To see if you can dissect, and evaluate
And see that there are people in this life that dont follow the norm and are thwre own person
I am one of those
I dare you

I am a person. A Person who lives by faith and not by sight
I am a thinker and an analyzer, and at times a critic
I am A Child, a daughter, a friend
I am a listener, and speaker
I look on the inside and i dig deeper

I am not a Emo, and mosh head or a pot head
I am not an alcholic, or a binge drinker
I am no longer a smoker
A am not a back stabber or a loser
I do not judge or think the opposite
I try to not be a hypocrit

I listen to music and i relate
I read books and i get inspration
I watch movies and analyze life
And i watch society and i wonder

I write my stories
And i recite my poems
I wirte as i feel
and cry as i am over come

I love and can be loved
I have loved and have been broken
A will love and become stronger
And I should love but really dont want to

I am not a beauty, drag or prom queen

I am a leader, and supporter
I will follow and guide
And i will, pick up the broken peices

Theres a million peices of paper among my floor
and on those is words that
Explain or elaborate what i have felt
and where i was

Over time i have grown
Over time i have shaped
Over time, time was spent
On these thoughts

The wispers are gone
The suits that were white are gone
The cars no longer try to hit me
Moreso I try to hit them

My Wrists no longer bleed
My mind no longer black
The broken glass was cleaned up
and my mind was filled

Although i will tell you
there are still these walls
building higher and higher
As i learn to trust

Its a long walk
And a destined journey
All i need is help
And i want yours


Public entry posted on Friday May 9, 2008, 2:48 am Reply Delete Edit Report Top

Dead End
i dont know what you want me to do
It's like my entire world came crashing down
Im at a rock solid end
of my sunshine and gum drops parade

I mean i used to wonder what my purpose is
now i just feel as though i have no purpose
Whats the point in this gong show
Theres no one here to listen

Im clinging to a faith
But even that in itself is a battle
Theres not to much to live for these days
I've been in the same routine for 6 months

And this is prolly as raw and open as i will get
Theres no turning back now
I coming completely clean
I will show my insides

Casue i cannot cover anything up anymore
Theres no point
When i need the help
They need to know the entirety of the source

Theres no strings attached
No backing down
I'm standing up and going out
With a bullet thru the chest

All these normal people
look at me as though i am strange
What if your the strange one?/
What if your all the same

Maybe thats all im fighting for
is o step put on a limb
and go to the extremes of your
unworthy judgments and hypocritical statements

am unashamed of who i am
and i thought i knew where i was going
but al of a sudden it just stopped
A\Now instead of wondering

about the world
i am wondering about
my world and what just happened
How could this happen

I thought i was strong
I thought i was a tower
I thought i was rock solid
I thought there was nothing could take me down

now its as though
everyday is a struggle
everyday is a fight
everyday is a waste

What more you want me to do?
What more can i do
What more is there to do
When your facing a dead end?



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