Sunday, January 2

new year.

so far gone so far long
so many places to go
 only so far i can go
like on a chain i cant get far
im tied up to myself
not letting me go on
why cant i let myself move forward
whos holding me back now
theres no one there
no one to call my own
no one to be there for me soully
i just got rid of the ex girlfreind once and for all
to make my current girl happy
i need to clear the air a bit
i need to damage control
 i need to live my life here for now
i cant live in the past
i tell myself this everyday
yesterday never mattered as
soon as the night turned to morning
the new sun rose and brought fresh clean
thoughts happiness and contentment
so live and flock in this right here
do what you want for yourself
and not one soul more
no one else can actually direct you anymore
you need to find the original jazz
the original fire passiona nd push
you need to get out there and be there
lift your head up and step up
out of the darkness
just carry on faster harder better
get stronger faster harder faster
you need to push yourself to the limits
stretch yourself to the bone
you need to break the barriers
you need to overcome the hurdles
most of all you need to find a healthy balance
between heart soul mind and body
you need to find center and stay there
you have the goals
you have the mindset
you know what you are doing
 you always knew you
 just needed to go crazy
to get there

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